
NCF Commercial Portfolio

In the spring of 2016, I was hired by one of the leading retail companies NCF to create a portfolio of the perfect new line of clothing they produced. I took responsibility for both the videography and post-production. I also created an animated company logo which is now used for their video branding and commercials.

Client: NCF

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Release date: May 25, 2017

Services: Videography, post-production, motion graphics

Budget: $15500

Duration: 1 year



Carfield Inc. Corporate Video

Carfield is a company that is engaged in the selection and sale of cars. I was filming a series of interviews of company managers with car owners for posting these videos on the company's YouTube channel. Also, parts of these interviews were later used by the company for advertising which brought it 100+ more sales every month.

Client: Carfield

Release date: June 02, 2018

Services: Videography, post-production

Budget: $5000

Duration: 9 days

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Tommy Carlson Concert Video

In collaboration with JBL, I filmed a concert of the great American musician Tommy Carlson. It was a charge of energy, typical American country music and favorite songs of many music lovers! In this project, I managed a team of cameramen as well as a drone that filmed the concert from above. Also my duties included editing of the final video.

Client: JBL

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Release date: August 12, 2019

Services: Videography, drone-control

Budget: $7500

Duration: 2 days


Hugo Boss Fashion Store

From 2019 to 2020, I worked with the famous fashion brand Hugo Boss and its flagman store in New York. I shot new collections and edited creative videos for further use on the website and in online and offline advertising campaigns. We have worked both in the studio and outdoors and achieved incredible results with my team.

Client: BOSS

Release date: September 25, 2020

Services: Videography, post-production

Budget: $22500

Duration: 1 year

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